Membership Information
The ensemble is currently about 20 adult, amateur flutists. We meet on alternate Sunday afternoons, to play on many instruments in the flute family – piccolo, C flute, alto flute, and bass flute. One of our members plays the double bass, providing a great bass line for many pieces.
We are adult amateurs, ranging in age from early 20’s to late 60’s, students, working folk and active retirees. Some of us played in high school and picked up our abandoned flutes at a later stage; some are pursuing music studies; some took up the flute as a retirement project and fell in love with making music. We value playing music with and learning from others, being challenged to play music of differing genres and difficulty. We take our commitment seriously and we have a lot of fun together.
Stable membership of between 18 – 22 players is ideal. Spaces become available and we welcome new musicians with a commitment to creating joyful community and the best possible sound. Not surprisingly, practice, attendance at rehearsals and concerts is an important part of making that best possible sound. If you are an intermediate or advanced amateur flutist and are interested in joining, please contact us.